Do You Want to Rise to the Top?

Try competitive horseback riding in San Juan Capistrano, CA

The Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) hosts nationwide horseback riding competitions where you can accumulate points and advance in your sport. Here at Gladstone Equestrian, we train our students to become masterful equestrians, competing in IEA shows across the country. Based in San Juan Capistrano, CA, our equestrian center helps prepare students for beginner, novice and intermediate events. We can help your child work toward achieving their goals so they can be proud of their accomplishments and make lasting memories.

Contact us today to find out more about IEA horseback riding competitions.

5 Facts About IEA Competitions

Want to learn more about competitive horseback riding in San Juan Capistrano, CA? Here’s what you need to know when it comes to IEA shows:

  1. Riders must be from grades 4-12 to register
  2. The host team provides horses and tack for every rider
  3. Riders compete in hunt seat events at their ability level
  4. Riders are scored on horsemanship and equitation
  5. Finals are held at the National Equestrian Center in St. Louis, MO

If this sounds like something your child is interested in, be sure to reach out soon. We can speak with you further about these competitive horseback riding events.

A large white house with a brown roof and a brick walkway leading to it.
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